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Version: 0.5

Security Considerations

Acorn System Access

Acorn system components run with cluster admin privileges because it needs the ability to create namespaces and other objects on the user's behalf. End users have little required permissions.

User Tenancy

Acorn allows multiple teams to deploy and manage Acorn apps on a cluster without interfering with each other.


The unit of tenancy is the Acorn namespace, the default one is acorn. A user with access to that namespace will be able to see all Acorn apps running in that environment. They will be able to access the logs, containers, and endpoints.

All Acorn CLI commands and the UI are scoped to the user's Acorn namespace.


Users will require CRUD access to all types from the API group within their Acorn namespace.


Optionally, they might need access to create secrets and possibly CertManager objects for TLS certs in the users Acorn namespace. This is if the app team running the Acorn app will be creating secrets to pass in data.

Users can be given access to multiple Acorn namespaces and will then be able to switch between them from the CLI.

For convenience, the following roles are created by the Acorn installation, and can be used to give users access to the resources necessary to perform the corresponding tasks:



Credentials refer to credentials used to pull from and/or push to OCI registries. In the future credentials in Acorn may be used for different types of services, but at the moment they are only used for OCI registries where Acorn images are stored.


Credentials are stored within the cluster in a namespaced secret. The Acorn API does not give access to the secret values of the credential, namely the password or token. If a user has access to use the credential that does not mean they can see the credential value. This makes it safe to share credentials in a team setting.


Credentials are valid for all Acorn apps and Acorn images in a namespace. Any user that has privileges to push or pull and Acorn image will implicitly be using the credentials stored in that namespace. Similarly any Acorn app that is deployed will use the credentials available in the namespace to pull the Acorn image and referenced Docker images.


Credentials are managed with the acorn credential command.


Acorn app Network scopes

Acorn can be used to package applications that can be used standalone, with other Acorns, and made available to non Acorn based workloads. Modern day applications are loosely coupled over networking paths.


  • Acorn image - An application with all its resources, dependencies and configuration, defined by a single Acornfile and packaged as an OCI image
  • Acorn app - An instantiation of an Acorn image

Internal Acorn communication

When composing an Acorn app that will only need to communicate with itself, you can define the ports section on the containers in the app.

containers: {
"my-app": {
build: {
context: "."
ports: [
"4444:4444", // My internal endpoint

In the example above other containers within the Acorn app would be able to communicate with my-app over port 4444.

External Acorn app communications

For services running outside of the Acorn app to communicate with your services, you need to expose the ports. Building on the above example.

containers: {
"my-app": {
build: {
context: "."
ports: {
internal: "4444:4444", // My internal endpoint
expose: "80:80", // My site

This will make it so workloads on the same cluster can communicate with your Acorn app on port 80.


If you need to expose your Acorn app to users and workloads outside of your cluster, you will need to publish your services.

By default, all HTTP services are automatically published via the underlying Ingress controller. To publish no ports you can use -p none.


Note this is going to go through a major refactor and likely to change, but the concept holds.

Publishing services is a runtime level decision for the user to make. If a user wants to publish all exposed ports when launching the Acorn app the -P flag is used.

acorn run -P [APP-IMAGE]

In our example this would expose port 80 through the Ingress controller of the underlying Kubernetes cluster.

If the user wants to expose under an explicit name, the user can do the following:

acorn run -p [APP-IMAGE]

That will expose the application under the hostname There is no need to pass a publish flag.

To see which services in your Acorn app can be published run acorn run [APP-IMAGE] --help

> acorn run [APP-IMAGE] --help
Volumes: mysql-data-0, mysql-backup-vol
Secrets: backup-user-credentials, create-backup-user, user-provided-data, mariadb-0-client-config, mariadb-0-mysqld-config, mariadb-0-galera-config, root-credentials, db-user-credentials
Container: mariadb-0
Ports: mariadb-0:3306/tcp

--backup-schedule string Backup Schedule
--boot-strap-index int Set server to boot strap a new cluster. Default (0)
--cluster-name string Galera: cluster name
--custom-mariadb-config string User provided MariaDB config
--db-name string Specify the name of the database to create. Default(acorn)
--db-user-name string Specify the username of db user
--force-recover When recovering the cluster this will force safe_to_bootstrap in grastate.dat for the bootStrapIndex node.
--recovery Run cluster into recovery mode.
--replicas int Number of nodes to run in the galera cluster. Default (1)
--restore-from-backup string Restore from Backup. Takes a backup file name

Ports that can be exposed are listed under the Ports setting.

If you have an app that exposes a TCP endpoint instead of HTTP like:

containers: {
// ...
mysql: {
image: mysql
ports: expose: "3306:3306"
// ...
// ...

You can expose these outside the cluster through a loadbalancer endpoint in the following way.

> acorn run -p 3306:3306 [MY-APP-IMAGE]