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Version: 0.9


Acorn installations maintain a curated event log of the operational details associated with managing acorns.

To access this log, use the acorn events command:

# List all events in the current project
acorn events

# List events across all projects
acorn -A events

# List the last 10 events
acorn events --tail 10

# List the last 5 events and follow the event log
acorn events --tail 5 -f

# List events related to the 'hello' app in the current project
acorn events app/hello

# List events related to any app in the current project
acorn events app

# List events with names that begin with '4b2b'
acorn events 4b2b

# Get a single event by name
acorn events 4b2ba097badf2031c4718609b9179fb5

Events are printed in chronological order, from oldest to newest, based on the time they were observed.