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Version: 0.9


Acorn applications and other resources can be grouped into projects. Eventually, projects will serve as the unit at which Acorn manages functionality like:

  • membership and RBAC
  • network isolation
  • resource quotas

For now, their primary purpose is to group resources like applications, images, volumes, and secrets together.

Projects can be created, listed, removed, and "used". When you "use" a project, it becomes the context under which you are interacting with Acorn applications and related resources.

List Projects

When you install acorn, you'll automatically have one project called acorn. It can be seen in the project list. If you do nothing else, this is the project you'll use by default.

$ acorn projects

acorn *

Create Project

The following command creates a new project.

$ acorn project create my-new-project

Use Project

To begin using a project, you must specify it using the use sub-command.

$ acorn project use my-new-project

Once you start using a project, all other acorn commands, such as acorn ps or acorn run will be executed within that project. So, for example, if you switch to project my-new-project and then run acorn ps, you won't see any applications that were launched in the default acorn project.

Remove project

To remove or delete a project, simply run the rm command:

acorn project rm my-new-project

This will cause the project and all related resources to be deleted.

Temporarily specifying a different project

All acorn commands now support the --project (or -j) flag for specifying the project just for that command. So, for example, the following command would create an application in the development project, regardless of which project you were currently using:

acorn -j development run