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acorn run

acorn run

Run an app from an image or Acornfile

acorn run [flags] IMAGE|DIRECTORY [acorn args]


Running an app
- Build and run from a directory
acorn run --name my-app .

- Run from an image
acorn run --name my-app

Updating an app
- Rebuild an app from the current directory (see 'acorn dev' to do this dynamically)
acorn run --update --name my-app .

- Change an app's image
acorn run --update --image --name my-app

Automatic upgrades
- Automatic upgrade for an app will be enabled if '#', '*', or '**' appears in the image's tag. Tags will be sorted according to the rules for these special characters described below. The newest tag will be selected for upgrade.
'#' denotes a segment of the image tag that should be sorted numerically when finding the newest tag.
'*' denotes a segment of the image tag that should sorted alphabetically when finding the latest tag.
'**' denotes a wildcard. This segment of the image tag won't be considered when sorting. This is useful if your tags have a segment that is unpredictable.

- Deploy the hello-world app with auto-upgrade enabled and matching all major, minor, and patch versions:
acorn run

Publish Port Syntax
- Publish port 80 for any containers that define it as a port
acorn run -p 80 .

- Publish container "myapp" using the hostname
acorn run --publish .

Link Syntax
- Link the running acorn application named "mydatabase" into the current app, replacing the container named "db"
acorn run --link mydatabase:db .

Secret Syntax
- Bind the acorn secret named "mycredentials" into the current app, replacing the secret named "creds"
acorn run --secret mycredentials:creds .

Volume Syntax
- Create the volume named "mydata" with a size of 5 gigabyes and using the "fast" storage class
acorn run --volume mydata,size=5G,class=fast .

- Bind the acorn volume named "mydata" into the current app, replacing the volume named "data"
acorn run --volume mydata:data .


      --annotation strings      Add annotations to the app and the resources it creates (format [type:][name:]key=value) (ex k=v, containers:k=v)
--args-file string Default args to apply to run/update command (default ".args.acorn")
--auto-upgrade Enabled automatic upgrades.
-b, --bidirectional-sync In interactive mode download changes in addition to uploading
--compute-class strings Set computeclass for a workload in the format of workload=computeclass. Specify a single computeclass to set all workloads. (ex foo=example-class or example-class)
--dangerous Automatically approve all privileges requested by the application
-i, --dev Enable interactive dev mode: build image, stream logs/status in the foreground and stop on exit
-e, --env strings Environment variables to set on running containers
--env-file string Default env vars to apply (default ".acorn.env")
-f, --file string Name of the build file (default "DIRECTORY/Acornfile")
-h, --help help for run
--interval string If configured for auto-upgrade, this is the time interval at which to check for new releases (ex: 1h, 5m)
-l, --label strings Add labels to the app and the resources it creates (format [type:][name:]key=value) (ex k=v, containers:k=v)
--link strings Link external app as a service in the current app (format app-name:container-name)
-m, --memory strings Set memory for a workload in the format of workload=memory. Only specify an amount to set all workloads. (ex foo=512Mi or 512Mi)
-n, --name string Name of app to create
--notify-upgrade If true and the app is configured for auto-upgrades, you will be notified in the CLI when an upgrade is available and must confirm it
-o, --output string Output API request without creating app (json, yaml)
-p, --publish strings Publish port of application (format [public:]private) (ex 81:80)
-P, --publish-all Publish all (true) or none (false) of the defined ports of application
-q, --quiet Do not print status
--region string Region in which to deploy the app, immutable
--replace Replace the app with only defined values, resetting undefined fields to default values
-s, --secret strings Bind an existing secret (format existing:sec-name) (ex: sec-name:app-secret)
-u, --update Update the app if it already exists
-v, --volume stringArray Bind an existing volume (format existing:vol-name,field=value) (ex: pvc-name:app-data)
--wait Wait for app to become ready before command exiting (default: true)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config-file string   Path of the acorn config file to use
--debug Enable debug logging
--debug-level int Debug log level (valid 0-9) (default 7)
--kubeconfig string Explicitly use kubeconfig file, overriding the default context
-j, --project string Project to work in