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Version: 0.7

acorn install

acorn install

Install and configure acorn in the cluster

acorn install [flags]


acorn install


      --acorn-dns string                                enabled|disabled|auto. If enabled, containers created by Acorn will get public FQDNs. Auto functions as disabled if a custom clusterDomain has been supplied (default auto)
--acorn-dns-endpoint string The URL to access the Acorn DNS service
--allow-traffic-from-namespace strings Namespaces that are allowed to send network traffic to all Acorn apps
--allow-user-annotation strings Allow these annotations to propagate to dependent objects, no effect if --ignore-user-labels-and-annotations not true
--allow-user-label strings Allow these labels to propagate to dependent objects, no effect if --ignore-user-labels-and-annotations not true
--api-server-replicas int acorn-api deployment replica count
--auto-upgrade-interval string For apps configured with automatic upgrades enabled, the interval at which to check for new versions. Upgrade intervals configured at the application level cannot be smaller than this. (default '5m' - 5 minutes)
--aws-identity-provider-arn string ARN of cluster's OpenID Connect provider registered in AWS
--builder-per-project Create a dedicated builder per project
--cluster-domain strings The externally addressable cluster domain (default
--controller-replicas int acorn-controller deployment replica count
--controller-service-account-annotation strings annotation to apply to the acorn-system service account
--event-ttl string Amount of time an Acorn event will be stored before being deleted (default '168h' - 7 days)
--features strings Enable or disable features. (example foo=true,bar=false)
-h, --help help for install
--http-endpoint-pattern string Go template for formatting application http endpoints. Valid variables to use are: App, Container, Namespace, Hash and ClusterDomain. (default pattern is {{hashConcat 8 .Container .App .Namespace | truncate}}.{{.ClusterDomain}})
--ignore-user-labels-and-annotations Don't propagate user-defined labels and annotations to dependent objects
--image string Override the default image used for the deployment
--ingress-class-name string The ingress class name to assign to all created ingress resources (default '')
--ingress-controller-namespace string The namespace where the ingress controller runs - used to secure published HTTP ports with NetworkPolicies.
--internal-cluster-domain string The Kubernetes internal cluster domain (default svc.cluster.local)
--internal-registry-prefix string The image prefix to use when pushing internal images (example
--lets-encrypt string enabled|disabled|staging. If enabled, acorn generated endpoints will be secured using TLS certificate from Let's Encrypt. Staging uses Let's Encrypt's staging environment. (default disabled)
--lets-encrypt-email string Required if --lets-encrypt=enabled. The email address to use for Let's Encrypt registration(default '')
--lets-encrypt-tos-agree Required if --lets-encrypt=enabled. If true, you agree to the Let's Encrypt terms of service (default false)
--manage-volume-classes Manually manage volume classes rather than sync with storage classes, setting to 'true' will delete Acorn-created volume classes
--network-policies Create Kubernetes NetworkPolicies which block cross-project network traffic (default true)
-o, --output string Output manifests instead of applying them (json, yaml)
--pod-security-enforce-profile string The name of the PodSecurity profile to set (default baseline)
--propagate-project-annotation strings The list of keys of annotations to propagate from acorn project to app namespaces
--propagate-project-label strings The list of keys of labels to propagate from acorn project to app namespaces
--publish-builders Publish the builders through ingress to so build traffic does not traverse the api-server
--record-builds Keep a record of each acorn build that happens
--service-lb-annotation strings Annotation to add to the service of type LoadBalancer. Defaults to empty. (example key=value)
--set-pod-security-enforce-profile Set the PodSecurity profile on created namespaces (default true)
--skip-checks Bypass installation checks
--use-custom-ca-bundle Use CA bundle for admin supplied secret for all acorn control plane components. Defaults to false.
-m, --workload-memory-default string Set the default memory for acorn workloads. Accepts binary suffixes (Ki, Mi, Gi, etc) and "." and "_" seperators (default 0)
--workload-memory-maximum string Set the maximum memory for acorn workloads. Accepts binary suffixes (Ki, Mi, Gi, etc) and "." and "_" seperators (default 0)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -A, --all-projects        Use all known projects
--debug Enable debug logging
--debug-level int Debug log level (valid 0-9) (default 7)
--kubeconfig string Explicitly use kubeconfig file, overriding current project
-j, --project string Project to work in